SafeChoice Utility Billing

Unique Features for a Unique Software Solution



The SafeChoice Utility Billing system is unique by the fact that was designed under the guidance of a Certified Public Accountant with over 14 years of industry experience providing audit, accounting, rate studies, financing, budgeting and other financial services to water systems and municipalities.

This integrated billing and accounting system provides the features that are lacking in other products available on the market including:

  • Multiple Applications
    Handles billing processes for water, sewer, garbage, and many more services. Seven Systems in One.
  • Powerful Accounting Functionality
    Integrates with SafeChoice Fund Accounting for ONE TIME ENTRY of transactions.
  • Networking
    Utilize the system over a network or multiple locations.
  • Power Reports
    Comprehensive, flexible reporting options tailored specifically for utility systems to satisfy the demands of accountant, financial advisor or manager.
  • Customer Service
    Technical Support, training, installation, data conversion and on-line help are available to get you up and running as quickly and easily as possible.
  • Enter Meter Readings
    Review high usage at the time of entry or at the end of an entry, calculate and preview bills on-screen and preview and print unread meters, and works with handheld and radio read systems.
  • Self Read Processing
    Processes customer self read meter readings and payments including payment allocation options for payments covering several months activity.
  • Edit Transactions
    Easily change transactions before posting. Post to General Ledger by FUND automatically.
  • Estimate Billings
    Automatically estimate meter readings for all customers by route or specific customer.
  • Multi-Tasking
    Quickly switch from one application to another or work on several tasks within the same application at the same time.
  • System Security
    You control who has access to the system and how much access they have. Separate access by data entry staff from that of management staff.
  • Split Billings
    Prorate bills automatically for move-outs or changes in tenants.
  • Customer Look-Up
    All of your customer information quickly accessible including usage history, unpaid balances, last invoice paid, high usage period, average monthly usage, average monthly invoice, etc.
  • Work Orders
    Create Work Orders for customers and track the progress of each. Generate Activity Reports to determine the status of each project.
  • Calculate Water Loss
    Determine water loss and the impact on the budget and generate graphic reports to review trends.
  • Graphs
    Show account trends and comparisons by dollars or quantities.
  • Extensive Customer Notes
    Keep unlimited pages of information for each customer and prioritize the notes by importance.
  • Profit Centers
    Unlimited profit centers to show profitability by route, enterprise customer type and more.
  • Multiple Budgets
    Creates budgets based on percentages, dollar amounts or yearly allocations.